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Product Security Evaluation Services for Government (ID)

Demonstrate strong digital security for government applications with government ID security evaluation services from SGS.

Governments rely on high-end digital ID products to fight cybercrime and identity forgery. Digital identification systems offer a high level of protection, if developed and implemented securely.

Our government ID cybersecurity services enable you to demonstrate strong digital security for government applications, meet the requirements for multiple standards and rigorous certification bodies, and verify your products and applications before launch.

With in-depth technical knowledge of eIDAS, Common Criteria and standards as specified by ICAO, our experts support your procedural preparations before the formal evaluation. We provide direct project support and pre-evaluation services to enable you to identify and reduce risk.

Why choose government ID cybersecurity services from SGS?

We enable you to:

  • Ensure the digital security of your applications
  • Verify a range of products, such as electronic passports, identity cards, HSMs, Secure Signature Creation Devices, SAMs and electronic tachographs
  • Comply with a wide range of security requirements, such as eIDAs, CC, ICAO and national certification programs, such as BSPA and LINCE
  • Access a wide range of cybersecurity services, depending on the specific needs of your team and product
  • Secure a short time to market by supporting close cooperation between our experts and your development team

Why SGS?

We are the world’s leading provider of testing, inspection and certification services to the cybersecurity industry.

We are recognized by multiple governmental certification bodies:

  • Common Criteria (CCRA/SOGIS) accreditations for the following bodies:
    • BSI (Germany)
    • CCN (Spain)
    • CSA (Singapore)
    • NSCIB (The Netherlands)
    • SERTIT (Norway)
    • TSE (Turkey)

The European schemes will transfer to the EU Common Criteria Scheme (EUCC) under the EU Cyber Security Act. SGS is working closely with the NCCA’s to establish recognition.

  • Government Country-bound
    • BSPA (Basic Security Dutch Government)
    • BSZ (Beschleunigte Sicherheitszertifiziering of Germany)
    • ENS (Spanish National Security Framework)
    • LINCE (Spanish governmental security scheme)
    • NITES (Singapore governmental security scheme)
  • eGovernement EU
  • Cryptographic Modules
    • FIPS 140
    • ISO/IEC 19790
  • Common Criteria Private accreditations:
    • FAST (FeliCa Approval for Security and Trust)
    • NXP MIfare (Mifare, operated by TrustCB)

To discuss your government ID cybersecurity requirements, contact us today.

  • Brightsight

+31 15 269 2500


Brassersplein 2,

2612 CT,

Delft, Netherlands