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GMO Testing

Controversy still exists in some countries with regard to the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

With years of experience in this field, SGS provides GMO testing services that offer you both a proven methodology results that will be recognized worldwide.

Our GMO testing can help inspire consumer confidence and ensure that your animal feeds meet the appropriate national and international controls. The method we use is a standardized polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology that quantifies any GMOs present in your feed samples. This gives you the independent verification you need to trade in confidence with countries specifying GMO-free products.

DNA-based qualitative GMO screening – seed samples

We use this test to confirm the absence or presence of genetically modified plant material in a sample of seed or plant tissue. The test uses a combination of two specific PCR assays targeting these genetic elements: cauliflower mosaic virus (CMV) 35S promoter and nos terminator. Using this test, we can detect the vast majority of genetically modified plant varieties currently in commercial production worldwide.

DNA-based qualitative GMO screening – food samples

When analyzing processed foods, it can be difficult to detect material derived from genetically modified plants due to its degradation during the manufacturing process. For example, protein-based detection methods are unsuitable because the food production process may destroy the protein derived from any genetically modified ingredients.

However, we use the most sophisticated DNA analysis techniques to detect the presence of GM events. Such events may be present in the DNA of processed foods including bread, flour, soymilk, tofu and vegetable oils. After extracting the DNA from these products, we use a combination of two specific PCR assays that target these genetic elements: CMV35S promoter and nos terminator.

DNA-based quantitative PCR testing utilizes standards to determine GMO levels from 0.01 percent to 5 percent. Samples are tested with real-time PCR that determines specific DNA levels throughout a 40-cycle period.

Approved and accredited laboratories

To maintain our reputation for independence, integrity and innovation, our GMO testing laboratories operate under strict guidelines and are accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 9001:2008. Staffed by highly experienced scientists and technicians, our labs have also earned the approval of several feed associations. We utilize international methods in all of our laboratories, validating the method in each location. Participation in proficiency testing for GMO events is completed annually and we have an International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) accredited laboratory for GMO testing.

If you would like our help in achieving full compliance with GMO-free regulations, contact SGS now to find out more.

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  • SGS Canada Inc.

6755 Mississauga Road, Suite 204,

L5N 7Y2,

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada