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RBA Program

SGS is one of the few audit firms qualified by the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) providing RBA recognized audit services.

Our RBA service gives you a sound framework for monitoring the compliance and performance of your suppliers against the RBA Code of Conduct.

Background to the RBA

The RBA, formerly known as the EICC, was established in 2004 to promote a common code of conduct for the electronics and information and communications technology (ICT) industry. It now includes more than 110 member companies worldwide in the electronics, retail, auto and toy sectors and their suppliers. The current RBA audit protocol, version 6.0.0, was ratified in 2017 and came into effect on February 1, 2018.

The RBA code of conduct sets out the standards required to ensure that:

  • Working conditions in the electronics industry supply chain are safe
  • Workers are treated with respect and dignity 
  • Manufacturing processes are environmentally responsible

The code of conduct provides clear and measurable benefits for factories in supply chains, including increased productivity and quality and reduced worker turnover, injuries and illnesses. It also enables companies to demonstrate their social responsibility towards society when bidding for international contracts or expanding locally to accommodate new business. The code of conduct has been widely adopted as the standard for social responsibility across the electronics and ICT industry.

RBA Code of Conduct Principles

The RBA Code of Conduct is made up of five sections with 43 key principles:

  • Labor
    • Free chosen Employment
    • Young workers
    • Working hours
    • Wages and benefits
    • Humane treatment
    • Non-discrimination 
    • Freedom of association
  • Health and Safety
    • Occupational safety
    • Emergency preparedness
    • Occupational injury and illness
    • Industrial hygiene
    • Physically demanding work
    • Machine safeguarding
    • Sanitation, food and housing 
    • Health and safety communication
  • Environmental
    • Environmental permits and reporting
    • Pollution prevention and resource reduction
    • Hazardous substances
    • Solid waste
    • Air emissions
    • Materials restrictions
    • Water management
    • Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions
  • Ethics
    • Business integrity
    • No improper advantage
    • Disclosure of information
    • Intellectual property
    • Fair business, advertising and competition
    • Protection of identity and non-retaliation
    • Responsible sourcing of minerals 
    • Privacy 
  • Management system
    • Company commitment
    • Management accountability and responsibility
    • Legal and customer requirements
    • Risk assessment and risk management
    • Improvement objectives
    • Training
    • Communication
    • Worker feedback, participation and grievance
    • Audits and assessments
    • Corrective action process
    • Documentation and records 
    • Supplier responsibility

Why SGS?

SGS is one of the few auditing firms which is recognized by the RBA and authorized to use RBA audit toolkits with RBA qualified auditors. A successful audit from SGS, which follows the RBA Validated Audit Program, leads to the issue of an RBA official audit report. This in turn helps to reinforce commitment to the code of conduct throughout your supply chain.

Discover how RBA audit services from SGS can help you and your suppliers maintain compliance with the code.

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  • SGS Canada Inc.

6755 Mississauga Road, Suite 204,

L5N 7Y2,

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada