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Retail Store Check

Manufacturers and brand owners rely on retailers and local sales staff to market and sell consumer goods in accordance with global guidelines and locally agreed procedures.

A retail store check or dealership audit from SGS can identify any shortfall in compliance.

Working closely with you to establish the scope of the retail store inspection program our specially trained experts will devise an audit which meets your specific requirements. Consumer goods which could be audited include toys, electrical and electronics products, cosmetics. The audits are particularly important for products with a consumption deadline like food and drink.

For car manufacturers, whose dealer network is the human face of the brand, we have automotive specialists who tailor audits to the industry.

Our audit will include sample selection and the examination of retail point of sale factors including (but not exclusively):

  • Sales unit presentation:
    • Pack dress
    • Labeling
    • Stock level on shelf
    • On pack promotional flashes
    • Average age of product on shelf
    • Sell by dates
  • Sales unit positioning:
    • Where on the shelf?
    • Where in store?
    • Prominence of promotional and point of sale material
  • Price points and competitor price points

If required we can extend the remit of your retail store audit to encompass competitors. To ensure you have the clearest picture of in store sales and marketing in every region we can also review your competitor’s products and retail point of sale.

Our approach to retail store checks is transparent and logical, which is why we are the ideal independent partner to help you protect your brands. We have a global network of qualified and experienced auditors who have the local knowledge to deliver.

Find out how SGS’s retail store audits and dealer network audits can help your organization.

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  • SGS Canada Inc.

6755 Mississauga Road, Suite 204,

L5N 7Y2,

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada