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Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) Services

Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) services from SGS – comprehensive safety, compliance and risk management services for RPAS, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and drones.

Around the world, many diverse industries are recognizing the benefits of RPAS (also referred to as UAVs, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) or drones) to perform commercial inspection and monitoring operations.

For these operations, RPAS offers lower risk to personnel and increases cost efficiency over mobilizing aircraft. However, utilizing this new technology can provide significant risks to stakeholder investments, property and productivity. RPAS mishap rates are up to 300 times greater than general aviation. Costs for damage to equipment can run into hundreds of thousands of dollars, not withstanding provision for indirect costs relating to injury, death or derivative liability.

As a result, professional aviation safety standards, training and risk management strategies are imperative for continual safety performance and assurance. That is where SGS can help.

Why choose RPAS services from SGS?

We can help you:

  • Reduce risk, improve safety and build confidence in the reliability of your operations
  • Implement a robust safety management system to improve the efficiency and safety of your organization
  • Ensure you conduct operations with high levels of due diligence and corporate responsibility
  • Implement a risk management program to track and improve your key safety performance indicators, increase reliability, traceability and improve your mitigation strategies and controls
  • Comply with national and international regulatory and custom requirements 
  • Ensure your personnel have adequate training and competency

Trusted RPAS Solutions From a World Leader in Aviation Services

As a world leader in quantifying and qualifying risk management and protection strategies in all areas of general aviation and RPAS activities, we set the benchmark for RPAS standards.

We are continuously involved with the latest research and industry updates. We can provide you with guidance on equipment, legislation and emerging technologies to help you gain competitive advantage, minimize operational risks, and ensure compliance against relevant national and international regulations.

To discuss your RPAS requirements, contact us today.

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  • SGS Société Générale de Surveillance SA

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