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Consumer IoT Cybersecurity Solutions and the Radio Equipment Directive

Join our webinar to learn about the rise of cybersecurity concerns for consumer internet of things (IoT) and how frameworks can overcome these concerns.

In this webinar, we will address some of the key issues related to cybersecurity of the IoT in the consumer market. The Radio Equipment Directive (RED) will come into force on August 1, 2024, and will be mandatory for the majority of all wireless devices and products being sold on the European market. We will also discuss the SGS cybersecurity mark (EN 303645 and others) and how this can demonstrate your compliance.


Our experts will help you get your products certified.

Security frameworks in the consumer IoT industry are fragmented. Regulations differ between countries and regions, with differences in their structures and approaches. The new RED directive will require manufacturers of consumer IoT products to consider cybersecurity. SGS Brightsight can help you navigate through them. The webinar will consist of practical cases such as looking at how different regulations/certifications can be combined in one security evaluation.


  • SGS Brightsight: background, industries and accreditations
  • Drivers of cybersecurity in consumer IoT, including the business impact of connected devices
  • Consumer IoT compliance and regulation landscape – today's landscape and forecast
  • How we can help you: SGS cybersecurity mark
  • Getting ready for RED 2024
  • Q&A

Target audience

This webinar is aimed at manufacturers of devices and service providers in the consumer IoT industry.


Alex Rubert, Sales Manager, SGS Brightsight

Alex has worked in sales for over 10 years in the testing, inspection and certification industry. With extensive knowledge on safety requirements of electrical products and end devices, he joined SGS Brightsight in September 2021 in the IoT domain, focusing on the cybersecurity needs of the industrial and consumer markets. Alex is knowledgeable in PSA Certified and SESIP certification advantages of mapping for hardware and software solutions.

Kelvin Yen, Global Cybersecurity Business Development Manager, SGS Brightsight

Before joining SGS Brightsight as an expert in cybersecurity, Kelvin was Head of Global Information Security at HTC, Sales Director at Hewlett Packard and Project Manager at Deloitte Risk Advisory.

Register Today

Session 1 >
August 30, 2022 - 9 am Central European Summer Time (CEST)

Session 2 >
August 30, 2022 - 2 pm Central European Summer Time (CEST)


Km 1 - Bd de Marseille,

B.P. 795,


Ivory Coast