Join this webinar to learn about restricted substances updates for electrical and electronic (E&E) products in the US.
Producing and manufacturing electrical and electronic goods whilst keeping up with regulatory requirements for restricted substances (RS) can be complex and challenging. But ensuring safety and quality for customers is vital, and manufacturers and retailers need to proactively monitor their compliance systems.
This complimentary webinar will guide participants through key chemical regulations in the US, taking a deeper look at how restricted substances such as Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) are controlled by state and national legislation, and examining risk management in manufacturing practices.
Presenters Tiffany Tsui and Brian Lo will also explain how SGS’s services can help companies successfully navigate RS requirements, providing expert solutions which utilize the latest technologies and our unique global network.
This webinar is aimed at quality and regulatory compliance professionals (buyers, manufacturers, merchants and quality assurance executives) in the Electrical and Electronics industry.
- Prop 65 – latest warning label requirements and SGS services
- US Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) requirements
- Latest PFAS trends
- SGS solutions
- Q&A
Tiffany Tsui
Technical Services Executive, Connectivity, SGS Hong Kong
Tiffany graduated from the University of California, Berkley, and is a technical consultant for international clients, specializing in chemical testing. She has been regularly invited to speak at various forums and seminars on the latest regulatory developments for restricted substances in electrical and electronic products.
Brian Lo
Technical Manager, Connectivity, SGS North America
Brian joined SGS NA as Technical Manager in Connectivity in 2021, focusing on chemical compliance in E&E products and their supply chains. Prior to this, he was in the testing and certification industry for six years, also focusing on global chemical compliance for consumer products.
Register Now
16:00 (GMT + 8:00) Asia/Hong Kong time
21:00 (GMT + 8:00) Asia/Hong Kong time
For further information, please contact:
Jojo Leung
Global Marketing Specialist
t: +852 2204 8328
Carrera 100 No. 25C - 11,
Bogota, Colombia