
What are you looking for?

Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) Advisory

Get expert advice and support at every step of your CSRD journey with the SGS advisory service.

Affected by the CSRD but unsure where to begin? Whether you are taking your first steps or are further along your CSRD journey, we offer customized support and advice, identifying the best approach and services to accomplish your sustainable disclosure and assurance goals.

What are the benefits of the SGS CSRD advisory service?

We enable you to:

  • Optimize operational processes and resources at the earliest stage
  • Decrease operational and reputational risks
  • Reduce time and costs
  • Improve disclosures and reports to comply with regulations

Why SGS?

As a sustainability leader for over 30 years, we can support you wherever you are on your CSRD journey. Our experts actively contribute to developing international standards, frameworks, schemes and regulations, including the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), UN Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) Assurance and the CSRD.

Our global network can support your compliance and efficiency requirements, including:

  • An introduction to the CSRD
  • Identification of gaps in your current disclosures, processes or controls
  • Double materiality assessment support
  • Disclosure and report preparation
  • Help to formalize sustainability due diligence processes
  • Support to gather the ESG information you need before evaluation
  • Topic-specific services relating to the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), biodiversity and water stewardship, etc.

To discuss your CSRD requirements, contact us today.

You can also register to watch our on-demand webinar, Introduction to CSRD Fundamentals – our introduction to the CSRD features, ESRS, double materiality and how they apply to an organization.

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1 Place des Alpes,

P.O. Box 2152, 1211,

Geneva, Switzerland