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Radiochemistry Testing

Ensure safety and regulatory compliance with accredited radiation testing and analysis from SGS.

Organizations working with potentially radioactive substances must determine radioactivity levels and identify specific radionuclides for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Regulatory compliance
  • Routine monitoring
  • Contamination checks
  • Waste management
  • Environmental and health impact assessment

SGS Radiochemistry Testing Services

We offer radiation testing and analysis for a variety of matrices and can recommend the right services for your specific requirements. Our experts provide detailed assessments and can offer advice on a wide range of environmental applications.

Our radiation analytical services are accredited by a variety of recognized agencies around the world (ISO 17025) and cover the routine testing of radioactivity in most matrices, including:

  • Water (e.g. environmental or potable)
  • Soil, sediments, sludge
  • Mineral sands
  • Biological solids
  • Waste and industrial process materials
  • Petrochemical and fertilizer samples
  • Vegetation (plant material, wood, etc.)
  • Food products (solid and liquid)
  • Airborne dust
  • Air filters (HVAS, personal filters etc.)
  • Ambient air (i.e. airborne radon and thoron)
  • Building debris
  • Mixed waste and hazardous waste
  • Wipe testing (analysis of surface contamination wipes)

We report on a wide range of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides, including:

  • Gross alpha and beta
  • NORM
  • Uranium-238 chain radionuclides: U-238, U-234 Th-234, Th-230, Ra-226*, Pb-210
  • Thorium-232 chain radionuclides: Th-232, Ra-228, Ac-228, Th-228
  • Uranium-235 chain radionuclides: U-235, Ac-227, Th-227, Ra-223
  • Radon (Rn-222) and thoron (Rn-220)
  • K-40
  • Tritium (H-3)
  • Ni-63
  • Cs-134 and Cs-137
  • I-131 
  • Am-241, Co-60, Sr-90

Why choose SGS?

We provide cost-effective and efficient turnaround times (TAT) for sampling and analysis. For urgent situations, we also offer three-day TAT for most tests (conditions apply).

We have unrivaled experience in health, safety and environmental testing and inspection services, with a global network of experts and fully-accredited laboratories. Our highly-qualified staff provide expert advice on all aspects of radiological testing for your specific purposes and can assist you with all aspects of sampling and analysis in the field. Working with SGS will help you achieve regulatory compliance and protect the environment and human health.

Contact your local SGS office for more information on radiochemistry testing.

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