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Volatiles Testing

Testing for volatile organic compounds commonly found in a wide range of industrial, domestic and commercial products identifies risks to human health.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) can cause cancer, eye, nose or throat irritation, and damage the liver, kidneys and central nervous system. Classes of VOCs include:

  • Halogenated hydrocarbons
  • Aromatics
  • Ketones and acetates
  • Ethers

Common sources of VOC include adhesives, aerosol sprays, degreasing products, dry cleaning products, petroleum products, paints, refrigerants, and emissions from automotive and industrial sources.

SGS Volatiles Testing Services

VOCs have low boiling points, vapor pressures, molecular weights and water solubility.  They are easily vaporized into the atmosphere, meaning special preservation and extraction techniques must be employed to minimize losses during sampling and analysis.

SGS can analyze for volatiles in a wide range of matrixes, including:

  • Water (groundwater, surface water, wastewater, drinking water)
  • Soil
  • Sediment
  • Air
  • Waste
  • Tissue

Why choose SGS?

We can provide VOC testing to cover a wide range of regulatory requirements. Our technical staff will assist in the selection of appropriate procedures to ensure proper methods, parameter lists and detection limits meet your project objectives.

With a global network of over 6,000 environmental specialists, backed by a network of accredited laboratories, we have the local resources in place to help you achieve regulatory compliance.

To learn more about volatiles testing, contact your local SGS office.

  • Groupe SGS France

29 Avenue Aristide Briand,

Cedex, 94111,

Arcueil, Val-de-Marne,
