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Sustainability Reporting Trends in Cosmetics

Pharma & Cosmetics, Sustainability25 Sep 2024
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Learn how the top 100 cosmetics companies (by revenue) doing business in the US and Canada report ESG

Almost all senior retail executives in North America agree that consumers expect them to operate more sustainably.

In our latest white paper, "Sustainability reporting trends in cosmetics", we explore two key aspects – priority criteria identified by global frameworks, standards and rating agencies, and the reporting behavior of the top 100 cosmetics companies in North America.

Sustainability Reporting Trends

What you'll find in our white paper

  • Evolution of ESG and sustainability

    How environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting and sustainability have become key priorities across all industries.

  • The five that drive programs

    The five key business drivers of ESG and sustainability programs and performance in the North American cosmetics industry.

  • Priority topics and focus points

    The priority material ESG and sustainability topics, with KPIs, for the North American cosmetics industry, as defined by international frameworks, standards and rating agencies.

  • Leading topics among the top 100
    The leading material ESG and sustainability topics of the top 100 North American cosmetics brands based on actual reporting behaviors.

Begin to beautify your ESG reporting

Download our white paper today and take the first step toward enhancing your ESG reporting, from first steps and frameworks to focus points and final reports. Whether you’re a cosmetics retailer, manufacturer or supplier, this white paper provides expert guidance to ensure the best ESG reporting outcomes.

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