As a world leader in certification and verification, we offer you unrivaled experience and a unique global network. This means you can benefit from our advice and expertise no matter where you – or your forests – are in the world.
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We certify forests against the requirements of the FSC™ Forest Management standard providing an assurance to customers, stakeholders and investors of the quality of forest management.
Our services:
- Help to verify that forests are managed effectively and sustainably
- Reduce the risk of the timber and paper industry sourcing from controversial or illegal sources
In addition, we offer a range of forest investment, inventory and consulting services – including forest plantation reviews – to the financial industry. These services help investors and/or owners to manage forest(s) more effectively and to verify and maximize your returns.
To discuss how our forestry services can help you manage your forests and/or forestry investments, contact us today.
Units 303 & 305, 3/F, Building 22E,
Phase 3, Hong Kong Science Park,
Pak Shek Kok, New Territories, Hong Kong, China