
What are you looking for?

In-Vitro Testing

Comprehensive in-vitro non-animal testing solutions – toxicity, phototoxicity, mutagenicity – to prove safety and efficacy in cosmetic products.

Reach new markets and meet consumer demand without animal testing. In-vitro toxicological testing for cosmetics and personal care products identify potentially hazardous chemicals and/or confirm the absence of toxic effects.

In-vitro testing for cosmetic products

Consumers and regulators are increasingly demanding product testing for safety and efficacy that does not involve animals.

We offer a comprehensive range of in-vitro testing solutions to help you ensure your products are safe, effective and comply with legal requirements. All testing methods conform to industry recognized standards, such as those of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Our state-of-the-art in-vitro laboratories will assess the safety of your products for:

  • Skin irritation potential on cultured human or mammalian cell lines
  • Skin cytotoxicity
  • Skin and eye corrosion and irritation
  • Phototoxicity
  • Phenotoxic hazards
  • Mutagenicity (DNA changes/damage)

They can also assess certain efficacy parameters through established methodologies:

  • Antioxidant activity
  • Tissue repair
  • Anti-pollution – in-chemico testing

Why choose SGS in-vitro testing services?

SGS is recognized as the benchmark for quality and integrity. Wherever you operate in the world, we support you during every stage of your product’s development – from raw materials to end product – helping you to deliver safe, effective and compliant products to global markets.

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  • SGS Hong Kong Limited

Units 303 & 305, 3/F, Building 22E,

Phase 3, Hong Kong Science Park,

Pak Shek Kok, New Territories,

Hong Kong, China