Ensuring that your products meet stringent fire safety and flammability standards, and regulations, requires specialized testing. With a focus on products destined for the USA, our furnishing, carpet and textile fire safety services focus on the 16 CFR 1630/1631 – Standard for the Surface Flammability of Carpets and Rugs. This is the USA’s minimum mandatory test standard for carpets and rugs used in residential and/or public buildings.

What are benefits of SGS fire safety and flammability testing services?
We offer you:
- A global network of accredited fire testing facilities
- Tailored services to meet your compliance requirements
- Unrivaled expertise in furniture flammability test requirements
Our testing services include:
- Building code fire test:
carpets and floor coverings, primarily wall to wall used in corridors and exit ways, are classified as interior floor finish materials. These require testing which is more stringent than the mandatory federal test. The normally specified test is ASTM E 648, but some codes go a step further and require that the product has a smoke limitation, as per ASTM E 662
- Carpeting used on walls:
if a rug or carpeting is placed on the wall of a public building, other tests do apply, we can advise you on the standards or requirements that must be met, and on the appropriate tests that must conducted. These may include ASTM E 84, NFPA 265 and NFPA 701
- Other standards:
ASTM D 2859: this ASTM document is referenced in some building codes
Comprehensive fire safety testing for furnishings, carpets and textiles
As a world-leading provider of inspection, testing, verification and certification services for the furnishings industry, we offer you unrivaled expertise in flammability and fire safety test requirements. With a worldwide presence and a global network of laboratories and experts, we can provide you with access to up-to-date flammability test equipment and methods, wherever and whenever you need them.