In implementing the Occupational Safety and Health management system (OHSMS), the expected objectives are the creation of a safe and healthy workplace, accident prevention, complying with all OHS regulations and requirements and achieving the OHS targets. In the organization, the implementation of the OHS management system involves not only all employees in the organization but also other related parties, among other related parties are contractors, however in contractor activities there are sources of danger that can have an impact on work safety.
In managing contractors as part of the implementation of the OHSMS, the organization developed a OHSMS for contractors which is often called the "Contractor Safety Management System / CSMS".
The process in CSMS generally consists of two major stages, namely the qualification stage and the implementation stage, with each stage having a process that must be applied.
In this article, we will discuss related to how to develop the qualification stage so that later the organization has contractor candidates who have a good OHS system and performance.
Here are 2 main processes in the qualification stage:
First Process, Risk Assessment
The purpose of this process is to assess the risks of the work that will later be handed over to the contractor, so that the organization has information to categorize contractors based on the level of risk set by the organization, the organization can divide risk categories based on the type of activities and services carried out by the contractor, the information generated from the risk assessment process is used as a basis for determining verification methods for contractors, the minimum passing value of the contractor and the verification period in the next process is the prequalification process.
The second process, Prequalification
The purpose of this process is to verify the effectiveness of the implementation of the OHS management system that has been implemented by the prospective contractor so that the organization has a prospective contractor who has a good OHS system and performance.
In this process, the organization first develops the OHS requirements which will be used as criteria at the time of verification, the requirements can be developed by the organization itself or can refer to the OHSMS. In general, the requirement items consist of the following points: top management commitment, assignment of tasks and responsibilities, induction and training programs, hazard identification, hazard control of machinery and equipment, safe working methods, PPE management, emergency preparedness and response, employee health checks, OHS performance monitoring, investigation and follow-up of incidents.
The prequalification process is carried out by the method of verifying documents and visits to contractors, the value is obtained from the details of the items of application of the requirements at each point of requirement then evaluated with the minimum pass level that has been set in the work risk assessment process.
Thus 2 Important Processes in the qualification stage of implementing a contractor safety management system, as motivation to continue to develop the K3 management system, the author cited one safety slogan "Know safety no injury. No safety now injury".
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