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SOTIF Assessments, Audits & Certification

Support from the market leader on the new challenges of autonomous driving.
Intelligent Car System Control Panel

The increase in automated driving and autonomous cars brings new safety challenges to the automotive industry. These challenges have resulted in a raft of standards relating to functional safety, Safety of the Intended Functionality (SOTIF), cybersecurity, artificial intelligence (AI) and many more.

The absence of unreasonable risk due to potentially hazardous behaviors related to functionality limitations is defined as SOTIF. Functional safety (addressed by the ISO 26262 series) and SOTIF are distinct and complementary aspects of safety.

With regard to the introduction of autonomous driving in several stages, the new SOTIF standard ISO 21448 is a valuable tool for a responsible process-related and technical implementation of the new challenges.

SOTIF assessment and certification from SGS

As a DAkkS (German accreditation authority) accredited body for all standards relevant to functional safety in automated driving, we offer full assessment audit and certification services for all the major standards, local and global, as well as for products and processes. These include:

  • ISO 26262:2018 Road Vehicles – Functional Safety
  • ISO/DIS 21448:2022 Road vehicles – Safety of the Intended Functionality (SOTIF)
  • ISO PAS 8800:2024 Road vehicles – Safety and artificial intelligence
  • UL 4600:2020 Standard for Evaluation of Autonomous Products
  • ISO/TR 4804:2020 Road vehicles – Safety and cybersecurity for automated driving systems: design, verification and validation
  • ISO 34503:2023 Road Vehicles – Test scenarios for automated driving systems – Specification for operational design domain (ODD), Requirements for ODDs and their creation
  • ISO 34502:2022 Road vehicles – Test scenarios for automated driving systems – Scenario based safety evaluation framework, Requirements for scenario-based verification and validation
  • ISO 34504:2024 Road vehicles – Test scenarios for automated driving systems – Scenario categorization, Additional requirements for ODDs and verification and validation

We are also actively involved in the development of upcoming standards, such as:

  • ISO TS 5083 Road vehicles – Safety and cybersecurity for automated driving
  • IEEE P2851 subgroup SOTIF
Why work with SGS?
As the leader in evaluation and safety for the automotive industry, with expert teams and facilities located across the globe, we are uniquely placed to offer full functional safety and SOTIF testing and certification services to the worldwide automotive industry – considering AI aspects where necessary.
  • SGS Ireland Limited

Hazel House, Millennium Park,

W91 PXP3,

Naas, County Kildare, Ireland