Higg Index Verification from SGS – verify the environmental performance of your apparel or footwear manufacturing facility.
Developed by the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), the Higg Index is a suite of tools that allows you to self-assess the environmental performance of your apparel or footwear manufacturing facility across the supply chain. The Higg Index Facility Module covers seven key areas of business performance:
- Environmental management system
- Energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
- Water use
- Wastewater/effluent handling
- Emissions into the air
- Waste management
- Chemicals management
If you are an apparel or footwear manufacturer, SGS can verify your Higg Index Facility Module score and, after you are verified, help you to develop and implement a performance plan.
Why choose Higg Index Verification from SGS?
We will verify your Higg Index Facility Module score, using either desktop or onsite verification.
Once your score is verified, you can use it to:
- Communicate your environmental performance to customers and suppliers
- Identify your strengths and weaknesses
- Create and implement an improvement plan
Higg Index verification will save you time and money by eliminating duplication of effort. Once completed, your verification report will be shared on www.higg.org. Your independently verified score can be communicated to multiple suppliers and customers. In addition, Higg Index verification reduces the need for additional site inspections.
In addition to Higg Index Facility Module verification and reporting, we also offer:
- Training
- Benchmarking
- Improvement plan and followup
Contact us to learn more about Higg Index Verification.
All India business enquiries helpline
Local site contact number
SGS House,
4B, Adi Shankaracharya Marg, Vikhroli (West),
Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400 083,