
What are you looking for?

Logistics and Service Centers

Expedite effective and efficient testing solutions thanks to SGS’s logistics solutions and service centers.

Efficiency and effectiveness are key when it comes to protecting stakeholders and the environment. You want solutions that meet your specific requirements and can be on-site quickly.

SGS Logistics and Service Centers

With a global network of service centers, backed by first-class logistics, working with SGS you can be assured your individual requirements will be met within a mutually agreed timeframe.

You first point of contact will be your local SGS office but, with our fully integrated network, your request will soon be in the hands of the appropriate expert, wherever you are in the world. They will assess your requirements and help you formulate a strategy that is cost-effective and meets all requirements with regards to stakeholder and environmental protection, and regulatory compliance.

The different SGS service centers strategically located around the world allow each customer to deliver locally their samples so that they can be shipped immediately to the closest and most appropriate SGS environmental laboratory. This network allows us to offer truly global service.

Why choose SGS?

With a global network of environment, health and safety (EHS) experts and local field teams, backed by an accredited laboratory network, we are the first choice for businesses looking to mitigate themselves against all environmental, health and safety risks. With expertise covering all aspects of EHS practices, we can help you protect the environment, your stakeholders and your businesses reputation, providing you with the right information to ensure your products, processes and sites operate in a safe manner.

To learn more about our services, contact your local SGS office.

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  • SGS Italia S.p.A.

Via Caldera, 21,


Milan, Lombardy, Italy