SGS recently partnered with the Salt Manufacturer Association of Pakistan to deliver two successful webinars focused on critical challenges faced by the salt market players in Pakistan.
The webinars provided valuable insights and information to salt producers, helping them navigate complex regulations and improve their export capabilities. SGS experts shared their knowledge and expertise on topics such as quality and quantity control, testing procedures, and international standards.
During the webinars, Malik Zahid, Business Development Manager from Natural Resources Division, provided in-depth information on SGS's comprehensive laboratory and inspection services for the salt sector. His insights helped all stakeholders involved in the salt business understand how to effectively trade in the market.
Additionally, Muhammad Imran, Senior Executive Officer from Connectivity & Products Division, elaborated on how SGS ensures compliance with regulatory and international standards, enhances product quality, and mitigates risks within the salt industry.
Arif Laeeq, Food Manager, Business Assurance Division, gave details on certification schemes to comply with regulatory and international standards, enhance product quality and mitigate risks.
We are proud to have collaborated with the Salt Manufacturer Association of Pakistan. Our goal is to help producers meet regulatory requirements and enhance their competitiveness in the local and global market.

About SGS
We are SGS – the world’s leading testing, inspection and certification company. We are recognized as the global benchmark for sustainability, quality and integrity. Our 99,600 employees operate a network of 2,600 offices and laboratories around the world.
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Caracas Building, Entrance No1, 3rd Floor, Office 311, 11193,
Amman, Jordan