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Asbestos Testing

Identify the presence, type of asbestos and concentration of airborne fibers to help plan control and remediation measures to protect human health with asbestos testing and monitoring from SGS.

Asbestos poses a significant risk to human health and the environment and is regulated in many countries. It is a naturally occurring mineral consisting of microscopically small fibers that can cause several diseases, including mesothelioma and asbestosis.

SGS Asbestos and Fiber Testing Services

We provide a range of services to help organizations identify, control and plan remediation measures when asbestos fibers are a risk to human health and the environment.

Asbestos analysis can be conducted both before and after asbestos is removed:

  • Before: asbestos surveys include analysis of samples to identify the type of asbestos and determine whether it is friable or non-friable. This information will help define the level of risk connected with the asbestos and allow informed decisions concerning control measures
  • After: following the removal of asbestos, we can perform a clearance evaluation to ensure the area is safe to enter without wearing personal protective equipment (PPE). This will include measuring the concentration of fibers in the air

Why choose SGS?

With accredited laboratories located all over the world and environmental experts in over 100 countries, we have the experience and state-of-the-art equipment to perform accurate and efficient analysis of asbestos in observance of local regulations.

To learn more about asbestos and fibers testing, contact your local SGS office.

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Yokohama, Japan