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Compatibility Evaluation

Ensure experimental seed treatment compounds are compatible with commercial active ingredients.

Check the compatibility and survivability of chemical and biological products during slurry mixing and application procedures to ensure experimental seed treatment compounds are compatible with commercial active ingredients.

Understanding how a new seed treatment interacts with current commercial active ingredients during the application process is an important step when developing a new product. Our customizable compatibility testing solutions provide comprehensive insights into how your product will perform in a variety of situations.

Chemical compatibility evaluations assess metrics such as flocculation, gelling, clumping, precipitant formation and separation over a given time period. Using this data, you will understand how your product performs in a slurry mix and any issues that may arise during mixing and treatment.

Biological compatibility evaluations determine whether microbes can survive when mixed with active commercial biological and chemical products. Testing is performed at multiple intervals throughout the shelf-life expectancy of the product to ensure its integrity does not diminish over time.

Wherever you operate in the world, our highly trained scientists will support you in the development of biopesticide and biostimulant products, ensuring compliance with statutory requirements and compatibility with all commercial active ingredients that are found in a slurry mix.

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Yokohama, Japan