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Hand Sanitizers and Disinfectants

Comprehensive safety and efficacy testing solutions for hand sanitizers and disinfectants.

Ensure compliance and gain competitive advantage in global markets with comprehensive efficacy testing solutions for hand sanitizers and disinfectants from SGS.

Hand sanitizer and disinfectant testing from SGS

In the last few years, the requirement for large quantities of hand sanitizers and disinfectants has challenged global supply chains. In addition to their use in medical, food and veterinary settings, they are now an essential part of everyday life for most people.

Hand sanitizers and disinfectants are designed to eliminate pathogens, such as bacteria, yeasts, fungi and viruses, to reduce the infection potential. They contain soap, water, alcohols and/or other active substances, and can vary in their efficacy against specific pathogens.

There are three primary areas of application:

  • Food, industry, domestic and institutional
  • Medical
  • Veterinary

Surface disinfectants are divided into two main applications: with mechanical action (e.g. wet wipes) and without mechanical action (e.g. sprays). They are also segmented into household and institutional, food, industry, medical and veterinary use. The area of use defines which standards are applicable.

Make sure your hand sanitizers and disinfectant conform to the latest regulations in your target markets with our comprehensive range of testing services.

Solutions include:

  • Quantitative suspension tests for bactericidal, fungicidal and yeasticidal activity – EN 1276, EN 1650, EN 13727, EN 13624, ASTM E2783, ASTM E1054
  • Hygienic handwash efficacy – EN 1499, ASTM E2784, ASTM E1174, ASTM E2946
  • Hygienic handrub efficacy – EN 1500, ASTM E1115, ASTM E2755
  • Surgical hand disinfection efficacy – EN 12791, ASTM E1173
  • Virucidal activity efficacy – EN 14476
  • Surface tests for bactericidal, fungicidal and yeasticidal on non-porous surfaces – EN 13697

Why choose SGS?

SGS is recognized as the benchmark for quality and integrity. Wherever you operate in the world, we support you at every step of your product’s development – from raw materials to end product – helping you to deliver safe, effective and compliant products to global markets.

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