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Hybrid FIH Trials

Reduce timelines and optimize outcomes with rapid, safe and cost-effective innovative trial design and supervision solutions.
SGS Biopharmaceutical Testing Laboratory in Geneva

Designing and conducting separate first-in-human (FIH) and proof-of-concept (POC) trials is costly and time-consuming. A better solution is to create a hybrid protocol that combines both, thereby reducing trial times with ensuring safety and maximizing data outcomes (pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic).

Get the most from early phase trials

We provide comprehensive design and management solutions to help you gain the most from early phase trials, enabling you to better prepare for further trials in a targeted patient population. Our state-of-the-art clinical pharmacology units (CPUs) and close collaborations with universities and hospitals deliver optimal outcomes from complex hybrid trial protocols that meet all regulatory requirements while ensuring safety.

Why choose Hybrid FIH trial services from SGS?

SGS is recognized as the benchmark for quality and integrity in early phase clinical trial design and execution. Our experts will guide your through the entire process, from protocol design, regulatory compliance and study preparation to efficient and effective trial execution.

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