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Imported Vehicle Inspection and Verification CIVIO

Also known under the initials CIVIO (Contrôle d'Identification des Véhicules Importés d'Occasion) in French, the concept was developed by SGS in Ivory Coast, by its company SICTA, in 1996, in response to the intention of the local government to liberalize the import of second-hand vehicles in the country. The most popular application of this service is the inspection of second-hand (used) vehicles being imported into other countries.

Since June 2005, besides identification, Ivorian Customs have entrusted the valuation of used vehicles to CIVIO which is now entitled: “Contrôle d’Identification et Valorisation des Véhicules Importés d’occasion”, Valuation of imported second-hand vehicles.

CIVIO is for:

  • Identifying imported used vehicles to determine their exact make, model and specification, to establish the vehicle registration document of the importing country, including pictures of all vehicles identified
  • Determining the vehicle category and value for calculating duties and taxes to be collected by the State

The objectives are the identification control of imported vehicles in order to ensure proper collection of revenues, and establish technical compliance with the local roadworthiness and emission control standards. Both the identification and the technical control delivered by SGS are necessary for assessing the customs duties that the importer has to pay, and for applying for the vehicle registration.

This vehicle inspection service is provided by SGS Automotive Services to client organizations throughout the world.

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