
What are you looking for?

Non-GMO and No-GE

Comprehensive solutions for reducing risk, improving efficiency and ensuring compliance with food and feed regulations for non-GMO/no-GE.

Non-GMO/no-GE standards to ensure compliance in global food and feed supply chains.

Consumers are increasing looking for evidence that food and feed products contain no genetically modified organisms (GMO) or genetically engineered (GE) ingredients.

Comprehensive supply chain solutions

We have developed two non-GMO/no-GE standards to audit and verify processes within the supply chain. They provide you with the transparency and clarity demanded by stakeholders looking for non-GMO and no-GE products and ingredients.

Non-GMO IP Supply Chain Standard

Applicable to human foods, animal feeds and products for pet consumption, this standard is based on EU non-GMO regulations, including Directive 2001/18/EC and Regulations 1829/2003 and1830/2003. Global operators can apply it to any supply chain process, irrespective of their size or activity.

SGS No GE Ingredients Supply Chain Process Verification Standard (US Version)

Tailored to US markets, our No-GE standard builds on the EU directive and labeling requirements for GE ingredients. It takes into consideration US federal and state guidance and proposed and passed laws and can be applied to the processes required for preparing non-GE ingredients, foods, beverages and pet foods.

General requirements

Both standards require the operator/processor to have in place appropriate mechanisms in the event of an issue with products produced under these standards, such as the commingling of non-GE/GMO and GE/GMO derivatives. This includes the requirement for controls on incoming products, the clear identification and segregation of derivatives and a market removal plan.

Additionally, facilities must implement effective methods for evaluating the GE/GMO status of all ingredients, with a devised sampling and monitoring plan to ensure that commingling of non-GE/GMO and GE/GMO derivatives does not occur during storage, transportation and production.

Why choose non-GMO and no-GE services from SGS?

We are recognized as the benchmark for quality and integrity in global certification for the food sector. Wherever you operate in the world, our third-party verification solutions help you to reduce supply chain risks while building market confidence in your non-GMO and no-GE food products

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