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Oil Condition Monitoring (OCM)

Oil condition monitoring from SGS – fast and accurate analysis of lube oil, grease and hydraulic fluids.

Proper lubrication of machinery is the single most significant contributor to the long, problem free life of your machinery. It is estimated that 75% of all bearing failures are due to lubrication issues. Whether these failures are caused by contamination or just the wrong lubricant, the value of proper lubrication cannot be overstated.

Our oil condition monitoring services will help to avoid machinery failure by the utilization of our machine operation and failure analysis program. We will assess your lubrication needs and set up your personalized oil analysis program.

Analysis of lubricating oil, greases and hydraulic fluids gives a fast and accurate picture of what is happening inside power generators, gearboxes, compressors, hydraulic systems and other critical machines. It also yields vital information on the condition of the oil itself. Effective monitoring of lube oil allows maintenance to be scheduled efficiently, minimizing the risk of damage to expensive plants and avoiding unscheduled downtime.

A responsive, state-of-the-art oil condition monitoring service

Our testing combines the expertise of diagnostic engineers with the latest techniques for analyzing lubricating oils, greases and hydraulic fluids. Both the physical and chemical characteristics of oil are checked, yielding information on the wear of metals and the oil itself.

We are able to carry out sampling for you, or can provide inexpensive easy-to-use kits. Samples can then be mailed to our laboratories, with routine turnaround within 24 to 48 hours of receipt of the sample. Turnaround time can be reduced for urgent samples.

During lube test analysis, SGS will notify you immediately of any "alert" situations by phone or email, so that you can take immediate action.

Our team of experts can provide state of the art tribology analysis to better understand the causes of component failure. Additionally, all our experts can train your staff on how to use the OCM program.

Discover how oil condition monitoring from SGS can support more efficient maintenance of your equipment.

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