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Pre-Shipment Inspections

Ensure compliance with contractual obligations. Comprehensive physical inspection solutions to ensure quality and quantity prior to shipping minerals and metals.

When trading minerals and metals commodities, you need to be certain cargos conform to regulatory requirements and contractual obligations. Failure to confirm quality and integrity during loading could result in noncompliance.

We provide pre-shipment inspection (PSIs) for the full range of traded minerals and metals. When you need to be sure that a cargo corresponds to the offered quality, or when you are presented with a Notice of Cargo Readiness for loading in a faraway location, we can inspect the cargo on your behalf to determine if the cargo is indeed present and that it corresponds to the supplier’s specification. Following the PSI, we also recommend loading supervision to ensure the final cargo loaded onto the vessel or placed into a container corresponds to the quantity and quality expected.

Aerial View of Cargo Ship

What are the benefits of choosing SGS for your pre-shipment inspections?

With our teams by your side, we help you to quickly avoid misunderstandings and claims relating to disputes between contractual partners.

SGS is recognized as the benchmark for quality and integrity. Wherever you operate in the world, we support you at every stage of your mineral and metal supply chain with high-quality services that help you minimize risk while optimizing outcomes.

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横浜ビジネスパーク ノーススクエアⅠ 5階, 240-0005,

Yokohama, Japan