
What are you looking for?

Reliability Testing

Is your product as good as you promise? Find out through reliability testing.

Increasingly consumers are choosing their electrical and electronic products based on quality and reliability – not just appearance.

Reliability testing ensures a product works as expected in normal and unusual situations. Electrical and electronic reliability testing is your opportunity to gauge a product’s lifespan and identify the causes of failures. Reliability verification will reduce recall risks and costs before entering the market.

At SGS we have the experience and expertise to conduct a full range of testing on your products. Whatever your need our global network of testing labs will meet your individual requirements and those of your target markets.

Reliability analysis center services include:

  • Single test
  • Fixed qualification program
  • Test plan tailored for your product
  • Life cycle approval
  • Product benchmark

Retailers and manufacturers need to be sure all products meet their quality and durability expectations, and those of their consumers.

Read on for further details of our reliability testing services, extensive resources and knowledge of the retail sector.

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横浜ビジネスパーク ノーススクエアⅠ 5階, 240-0005,

Yokohama, Japan