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Retail Store Checks

Ensure retailers comply with agreed procedures for handling and displaying food products.

Ensure retailers comply with agreed procedures for handling and displaying food products.

Are retailers handling and displaying your food products in accordance with global guidelines and locally agreed procedures? As a manufacturer or brand owner, you are reliant on retailers and local sales staff to market and sell your food products according to set standards, but in large national or international networks this can be difficult to monitor.

Mature Man Reading the Label on a Box

Identify shortfalls in compliance

We provide comprehensive retail store inspection solutions to help ensure retailers are handling and displaying your products properly. Our experts work closely with your company to establish the scope of the inspection. Specially trained assessors then visit establishments to select samples and examine retail point of sale factors against agreed requirements. These may include:

Sales unit presentation:

  • Pack dress
  • Labeling
  • Stock level on shelf
  • On pack promotional flashes
  • Average age of product on shelf
  • Sell by dates

Sales unit positioning:

  • Where on the shelf?
  • Where in store?
  • Prominence of promotional and point of sale materials
  • Price points and competitor price points

We can also extend the remit of your retail store inspection to encompass competitors’ products and retail point of sale, giving you a clear picture of in-store sales and marketing in every region.

Why choose SGS retail store check solutions?

We are recognized as the benchmark for quality and integrity in the global food sector. Wherever you operate, our global network of qualified and experienced inspectors is ready to help ensure your products are correctly handled and displayed in retail settings. Our approach is transparent and logical, giving you access to trusted data that better informs sales and marketing decisions.

Employee at Supermarket Doing Checkout for Customers

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横浜ビジネスパーク ノーススクエアⅠ 5階, 240-0005,

Yokohama, Japan