
What are you looking for?

Safety Analysis

Develop and produce safe, reliable safety-related systems for autonomous driving and automated vehicles, supported by SGS.

Safety-related systems must be thoroughly tested and analyzed throughout their development cycle. Early testing and analysis – ideally in the initial phases – is advisable so faults can be detected early. This not only saves time and cost; most importantly it prevents the development of systems that may potentially be unsafe.  

Why is safety analysis so important?  

Safety analysis tests lead to:  

  • Identification of faults
  • Assessment of their effects on the safety objective
  • Investigation of fault causes
  • Identification of weak areas
  • Qualitative and quantitative analyses
  • Derivation of safety test plans
  • Information to establish diagnostic intervals
  • Reduction of quality costs

Methods for Safety Analysis

We use various methods for safety analysis, choosing and adapting different methodologies for each individual project. This allows any special characteristics of the system to be addressed.  

SGS uses the following safety analysis methods:

Failure Rates and Reliability Predictions

We also provide accurate failure rate calculations including Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) and reliability predictions. Learn more about our reliability services or contact us to discuss your individual needs.   

Why choose SGS to conduct your safety analysis?

SGS is the world leader in training, assessment, audit and certification services. With our global network of automotive industry experts, we can conduct safety analyses throughout the development of your safety-related systems, wherever you are located in the world. Provision of analysis templates is part of our services.

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横浜ビジネスパーク ノーススクエアⅠ 5階, 240-0005,

Yokohama, Japan