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Stay informed about global legislation and market trends on fuel and emissions.

SGS INSPIRE is a subscription-based website service offering updates and expert advice for the conventional and alternative fuel sectors.

Markets for low carbon road, non-road, aviation, marine and heating fuels are constantly evolving as we tackle climate change and air pollution. Ensuring you remain informed about these changes can be time consuming.

SGS INPSIRE provides constantly updated and easily accessible analysis of all new requirements and compliance issues impacting global fuel markets, including synthetic fuels, biofuels, compressed natural gas (CNG), liquified natural gas (LNG), liquified petroleum gas (LPG), hydrogen and paraffinic fuels.

Our searchable fuel specifications database offers insight into the requirements governing all fuels specific to the countries in which you operate. You will receive short, concise articles that give comparative data, and keep you informed about discrepancies between legislative goals and progress where they are happening and future market consequences. Additionally, the ‘Ask the Expert’ feature gives you direct access to high level knowledge provided by our global network of industry specialists

SGS is recognized as the benchmark for quality and integrity in testing, inspection and certification services. Our industry recognized experts understand the complexities of the fuel industry, giving you unique insights through transparent and clearly communicated enhanced market intelligence.

Save time and stay informed – talk to us today about SGS INSPIRE.

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