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Toxicological Risk Assessment (TRA)

Toxicological risk assessments from SGS address the risks associated with exposure to potentially hazardous substances.

The toxicity of substances used in products is a primary concern to today’s customers, who require reassurance that products will not damage their health or wellbeing. This is an issue that businesses ignore at great cost: besides the direct impact on individuals, mistakes damage brand integrity and a business’s position in the marketplace, ultimately impacting on profit.

Our toxicological risk assessment services highlight possible adverse risks to customers’ health (e.g. skin/eye irritancy, skin sensitization) by assessing a product and its ingredients against available information on in vitro tests, animal studies and epidemiological data. Our aim is to mitigate risks at an early stage and prevent future hazards. Where information is not available on a particular ingredient, our laboratories provide access to product toxicity testing to determine whether the ingredient poses a significant risk.

Toxicology consultants are available to advise which services are most suitable to meet your particular requirements. Moreover, all assessments and tests are conducted to meet the requirements of regulatory bodies across the world, so you can be sure your product will not stall when you release it to new geographic markets.

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横浜ビジネスパーク ノーススクエアⅠ 5階, 240-0005,

Yokohama, Japan