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Uganda – Pre-Export Verification of Conformity

The Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) operates the Uganda Pre-Export Verification of Conformity to Standards Program (PVoC).

SGS offers a range of services to help exporters comply.

Under the PVoC program UNBS requires that imported products whose standard specifications were declared compulsory under the UNBS Act 1983 must be inspected for conformity to the country’s technical regulations and standards, or their approved equivalent. Its aim is to establish a quality import inspection regime that is in harmony with member states of the East African Community.

We work with exporters to help demonstrate compliance and issue a Certificate of Conformity which gives access to the Ugandan marketplace, avoids delays in customs and reduces potential losses from the import of non compliant products. Depending on the certification route we provide one or a combination of the following interventions:

  • Physical inspection prior to shipment
  • Sampling, testing and analysis in accredited laboratories
  • Audit of product manufacturing processes
  • Documentary check and assessment of conformity with the requirements of the applicable technical regulations and standards, for example KSS, GSO, IEC

With decades of experience managing conformity assessment programs around the world we offer exporters efficient and comprehensive solutions to ensure your shipments conform to Uganda’s requirements.

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横浜ビジネスパーク ノーススクエアⅠ 5階, 240-0005,

Yokohama, Japan