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United Arab Emirates UAE PCA Program

Import regulated products to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with a Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology (MoIAT) Certificate of Conformity (CoC) from SGS.

To import or sell regulated products in the UAE, all traders, importers and manufacturers must comply with the requirements of the country’s mandatory quality and safety standards. They must hold a valid CoC and which testifies that the products are in compliance with MoIAT technical regulations, guidelines and standards.

Appointed by MoIAT to implement the UAE’s product conformity assessment (PCA) program, SGS is an approved Notified Body and provides assessments for regulated goods to ensure they meet the relevant standards.

ECAS and EQM – MoIAT Product Conformity

All regulated products must have an ECAS or EQM certificate to be sold, traded and manufactured in, or imported to, the UAE.

The Emirates Conformity Assessment Scheme (ECAS) is a product certification scheme being implemented by MoIAT as a mandated program for all regulated products. An ECAS certificate is valid for one year and subject to annual renewal.

The Emirates Quality Mark (EQM) is a mark of conformity granted to those products that comply with the relevant UAE National Standards, regional and/or international standards. Organizations implementing an effective quality management system (QMS) should ensure continuous compliance. EQM certificate is valid for three years.

Certificate of Conformity

On successful completion of a product conformity assessment, regulated products destined to be imported into or placed on the market in the UAE, will receive a CoC. This certificate demonstrates the compliance of products and gives you market access.

Why choose PCA CoC services from SGS?

With decades of experience managing conformity assessment programs around the world, SGS offers importers, traders and manufacturers, efficient and comprehensive solutions to ensure shipments conform to the UAE’s requirements.

Contact your local SGS office for more information.

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Yokohama, Japan