Sustainable plastic recycling is crucial to reducing waste, conserving resources and promoting economic growth.
Compliance with EN 15343, the European standard for plastics recycling traceability and recycled content, ensures that plastic manufacturers and packagers meet stringent traceability and recycling requirements. This is often a key factor in regulatory compliance and can be essential for obtaining tax reductions on non-reusable plastic packaging.
We provide accredited EN 15343 certification services, guiding you through the process to demonstrate your compliance with established traceability procedures and recycling requirements.
What are EN 15343’s key requirements?
A system with a documentary structure is required to meet the requirements of the reference standard, including:
- Control of incoming materials
- Control of the recycling production process
- Characteristics of recycled plastics
- Traceability
- Quality assessment
- Calculation of recycled content
Who does EN 15343 apply to?
The standard applies to plastic manufacturers, packagers, recyclers and processors.
What is the EN 15343 certification process?
You will need to follow the requirements specified in the standard, be prepared for the audits and rectify any nonconformities. The initial certification audit is divided into a Stage 1 Audit and Stage 2 Audit. Upon satisfactory audits, you will achieve certification, which is subject to surveillance audits.
Stage 1 Audit
The main objective of Stage 1 is to review the documented information in your system and exchange information to determine the state of readiness for Stage 2. The interval between Stage 1 and Stage 2 should be long enough to allow you to resolve the problems identified during Stage 1.
Stage 2 Audit
For the agreed scope of certification, the objectives of this audit/visit are to:
- Determine the conformity of your process with the audit criteria
- Determine your organization’s ability to comply with the applicable requirements
- Identify areas of potential improvement (where appropriate)
- Check all products/product categories in the scope comply with the requirements
Surveillance audits shall be carried out at least once a year to verify that, as a certified organization, you continue to comply with the applicable requirements.
Discover the benefits of EN 15343 certification
- Demonstrate compliance: show your adherence to traceability and recycling standards to meet legal and regulatory requirements
- Enhance sustainability: reduce the use of single-use plastics and contribute to a circular economy by incorporating recycled materials into your products
- Meet EU directives: ensure compliance with the main obligations of the EU Directive on single-use plastics
- Support UN SDGs: support the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030 by implementing sustainable recycling practices
- Improve your brand reputation: confirm your commitment to sustainability, enhancing your organization's image and reputation among stakeholders
- Apply for tax reductions: leverage EN 15343 certification to qualify for reductions in plastic packaging taxes where applicable
The European Standard EN 15343 can be in different forms when it is localized. UNE-EN 15343 is the localized version of EN 15343 in Spain, where SGS is accredited.
The SGS certificate is issued in accordance with UNE-EN 15343 and EN 15343.
How can I reduce tax with EN 15343 certification?
You may pay less or be waived from paying plastic packaging tax in some countries if you have valid EN 15343 certification. For example, the Special Tax on Non-Reusable Plastic Packaging (Law 7/2022) in Spain imposes a new levy on non-reusable plastic packaging used in Spanish territory. With a valid EN 15343 certificate, you can prove the amount of recycled plastic used in your products to reduce tax. Self-declaration is no longer accepted in Spain, so you must get EN 15343 certification to claim the tax reduction.
Regulatory requirements vary in different locations. Please contact your local SGS office for details.
Is SGS an accredited EN 15343 certification body?
Yes, SGS is accredited by the National Accreditation Entity (ENAC) in Spain to issue UNE-EN 15343 certification, which is the Spanish version of the European Standard EN 15343.
EN 15343 certification from a trusted, accredited provider
As a global leader in sustainability and certification, we offer unrivaled certification expertise and reliability. Our specialized knowledge in plastics recycling and sustainability enables us to provide customized solutions tailored to your specific needs – guiding you through every step of the certification process.
As an independent, accurate and trusted benchmark in the industry, we are dedicated to supporting your journey toward greater sustainability and regulatory compliance. We are here to help you enhance your recycling processes, improve operational efficiency and minimize the risks associated with non-compliance.
Ready to demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and compliance with EN 15343?
Visit our new IMPACT NOW for sustainability page or contact us to learn more about our EN 15343 certification.
About SGS
SGS is the world’s leading Testing, Inspection and Certification company. We operate a network of over 2,700 laboratories and business facilities across 119 countries, supported by a team of 99,250 dedicated professionals. With over 145 years of service excellence, we combine the precision and accuracy that define Swiss companies to help organizations achieve the highest standards of quality, safety and compliance.
Our brand promise – when you need to be sure – underscores our commitment to trust, integrity and sustainability, enabling businesses to thrive with confidence. We proudly deliver our expert services through the SGS name and trusted specialized brands, including Brightsight, Bluesign, Maine Pointe and Nutrasource.
SGS is publicly traded on the SIX Swiss Exchange under the ticker symbol SGSN (ISIN CH0002497458, Reuters SGSN.S, Bloomberg SGSN:SW).
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Beirut, Lebanon