Integrated pest management is supported by biological plant protection products. High level study programs provide valuable insights that can improve data-driven decision making.
Microbiological Studies for Biological Plant Products
We offer a wide variety of robust good laboratory practice (GLP) testing solutions for biological plant protection products and microbial analyses for biopesticides, biostimulants, biologicals or other (non-) biologicals. 5-batch analysis lets you identify and analyze active ingredients, microbial contaminants and relevant microbial metabolites.
Additional laboratory study packages cover storage stability and microbial growth curve testing, product shelf-life, and susceptibility testing, to see whether antimicrobial resistant genes could spread or be transferred to other microorganisms in the environment. We also offer microbial compatibility testing (e.g. with chemical fungicide) and biocide efficacy/challenge testing.
We also provide testing for biologicals under a variety of natural field conditions and protected environments, such as greenhouses and climate chambers.
Sin El Fil – Horch Tabet,
St. Georges Bldg, 9th Floor, 165165,
Beirut, Lebanon