Abrasion between treated seeds can create a substantial amount of dust containing seed amendments and seed particles. These can be hazardous to health. Understanding this dust and its generation will help you to quantify and minimize this risk.
We offer a comprehensive range of dust-off testing solutions using high tech equipment, including the Heubach dustmeter. From study design and replication to the statistical analysis and final report format, our solutions are fully customizable, providing you with the results you need to make the right decisions.
Utilizing our global network of experts and state-of-the-art facilities, we can accommodate your pre-treated studies or apply specific treatments in our laboratories. We evaluate protectants, polymers and coatings for performance, seed safety and storability to meet your study requirements.
Wherever you operate in the world, we have the capabilities in place to help you enhance yields, reduce risks and maximize financial outcomes.
Sin El Fil – Horch Tabet,
St. Georges Bldg, 9th Floor, 165165,
Beirut, Lebanon