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Cybersecurity Personal Qualification Program

Qualify as a Personal Qualification Program Cyber Security Automotive – CACSP and Personal Qualification Program Cyber Security Industry – CICSP with the personal qualification development program from SGS.

These qualifications will expand your expertise in cyber security relevant topics. For companies, this training offers an opportunity to have your staff independently qualified and to secure your specialized knowledge for the long term.

Our personal qualification program includes three modules: 

  • CS1: Introduction to Cyber Security in Industry 
  • CS2: SAE J3061 Best Practices from the United States – Cyber Security for the Automotive Industry 
  • CS3: Cyber Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems 

Trainees seeking Automotive CACSP qualification will complete all three modules, while those seeking Industry CICSP qualification will complete modules CS1 and CS3. 

On successful completion of this program, the SGS-TÜV Saar seal confirms that the attendee has achieved expert status.

Who should attend?

This program is aimed at anyone interested in learning the details of the IEC 622431 following a general introduction and having their knowledge validated by certification. 

Contact SGS now to discuss the benefits to your organization of our cyber security training.

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  • SGS Mongolia

Uildveriin Toirog 101,

Bayangol District, 29th khoroo, 17060,

