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ISO 27001 Information Security Management Systems Interpretation Training

During the course, you will gain an understanding of the requirements of ISO 27001:2005 and the code of practice for information security management (ISO 17799-1:2005). You will also learn about the detailed procedures involved in implementing ISMS in accordance with ISO 27001:2005. This includes insights into the methodical steps needed to assess the risk relating to an organization’s information – and the controls you can introduce to mitigate that risk.

While the probability of a particular threat to your company’s vulnerable area(s) always exists, the idea is to minimize the possibility by introducing an Information Security Management System. This ensures that your organization reduces risk levels to a minimum and assures your business partners and other stakeholders that you are secure, reliable and responsible.

Our training also includes instruction on how to operate a business continuity plan and manage an implementation project. It is of particular interest if you are a Director of Operations or Information Technology, or otherwise concerned with the security of your corporate information.

Course outline:

  • General rules
  • Support modules
  • Control points and achievement criteria

To find out more about ISO 27001 - Information Security Management Systems - Interpretation Training from SGS, contact us today.


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Av. Elmer Faucett 3348,


Callao, Peru