What is the SIX 1.5°C Climate Equity flag?
SIX, the Swiss stock market regulator, has created the 1.5°C Climate Equity flag to help Swiss-listed companies validate their efforts toward limiting global warming to the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C target. This initiative enables organizations to strengthen their commitment to reducing emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.
Who can apply for the flag?
Any SIX Swiss Exchange-listed company can apply for the voluntary flag.
What are the flag’s requirements?
To earn the flag, a company must provide SIX with confirmation from an approved reviewer, such as SGS, that it meets all the flag requirements.
The requirements consist of three assessments:
- A top-down analysis of whether the company’s entire value chain aligns with the 1.5°C goal, by examining its future emissions reduction and removal targets
- A bottom-up analysis of whether it is credible that the company will continue to meet its targets
- An activity-level assessment to determine whether over 50% of the company’s current revenues and investments contribute toward the 1.5°C goal
What is the flag’s criteria based on?
SIX has defined the criteria based on established sustainability principles and the scientific consensus on climate science according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
The emerging accordance among widely used methodologies and standards is reflected. These mainly include the Carbon Disclosure Project Assessing Low-Carbon Transition (CDP ACT) initiative, Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI), UN Race to Zero Starting Line Criteria and WFE Green Equity Principles (2023).
SIX continuously observes developments in this field and will refine its framework when necessary to ensure it remains current and effective.
How long is the flag valid for?
The flag is valid for one year and must be renewed annually with an updated confirmation.
When was the flag launched?
The flag was launched in August 2024.
Specifically selected for our sustainability expertise
SIX has chosen us as an approved reviewer for the initiative that launched in August 2024. We are tasked with checking whether Swiss-listed companies applying for the voluntary flag meet all its requirements.
Candidates must submit an Emission Plan for our sustainability experts to assess through a forward-looking review leading to a confirmation opinion. If successful, you can publish our assessment report on your website. The flag is valid for one year and must be renewed annually with an updated confirmation.
Enhance your 1.5°C mission with a trusted partner
As one of only two reviewers approved by SIX*, the organization has placed a deep amount of trust in our sustainability experience. The SGS-SIX partnership further demonstrates our expertise in measuring, assessing, reporting and monitoring all aspects of sustainability, including climate, nature preservation, circularity and environmental, social and governance (ESG) assurance.
*As of launch in August 2024.
Why SGS?
With over 30 years of leadership in sustainability, we are at the forefront of best practices and international standards development. Our industry-spanning experts deliver a vast range of sustainability assurance services, empowering you to establish a sustainable business model with confidence and credibility.
Contact us today to discuss your SIX 1.5°C Climate Equity Flag needs.
About SGS
SGS is the world’s leading Testing, Inspection and Certification company. We operate a network of over 2,700 laboratories and business facilities across 119 countries, supported by a team of 99,250 dedicated professionals. With over 145 years of service excellence, we combine the precision and accuracy that define Swiss companies to help organizations achieve the highest standards of quality, safety and compliance.
Our brand promise – when you need to be sure – underscores our commitment to trust, integrity and sustainability, enabling businesses to thrive with confidence. We proudly deliver our expert services through the SGS name and trusted specialized brands, including Brightsight, Bluesign, Maine Pointe and Nutrasource.
SGS is publicly traded on the SIX Swiss Exchange under the ticker symbol SGSN (ISIN CH0002497458, Reuters SGSN.S, Bloomberg SGSN:SW).
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