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Quality Insights Volume 13: Focusing on V-Label, ISO/IEC 27001 and the UN SDGs

From vegan-friendly products and the latest InfoSec measures to improving communications and social compliance, organizations have a lot to consider while still producing superb products and services.
8 results found
Higg BRM Assembly

Guiding Sustainability Journeys and Global Value Chain Improvements – The Higg BRM

Consumers are increasingly curious about where and how their clothes are made. The Higg Brand & Retail Module (BRM) guides apparel, footwear and textile brands and retailers on their sustainability journeys.
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ISO 22301 Business Continuity and ISO 22716 Cosmetics GMP

Spotlight on Standards: ISO 22301 (Business Continuity) and ISO 22716 (Cosmetics GMP)

Spotlight on Standards highlights two popular standards in each edition of Quality Insights. In this issue we focus on ISO 22301 and ISO 22716.
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Management of Communication in the Business Environment

SGS Productivity Methodological Guide – Management of Communication in the Business Environment

In a company, the most important and differentiating factor is its people. To avoid problems and inefficiencies of communication, we must create a system that facilitates the transmission of information with order and precision.
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Digitalized Padlock with Digital Background

The Importance of ISO/IEC 27001 and Its Evolution

Escalating threats, innovative technology and greater connectivity mean that organizations, individuals and nations must keep pace with the evolution of cyberattacks and implement the latest protection measures.
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Knowing and Navigating the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals

Understanding and implementing the UN SDGs is key to achieving your sustainability and ESG goals.
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The Importance of the Customized Assessment Tracking System CATS

The Importance of the Customized Assessment Tracking System (CATS)

Once second-party assessments are completed, having a system to track, analyze and manage the reports and findings in real-time is vital.
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V-Label for Cosmetics, Personal Care and Household Products

V-Label for Cosmetics, Personal Care and Household Products

Consumers are increasingly demanding transparency to easily identify vegan and vegetarian products. V-Label offers consumers clarity and reliability thanks to standardized and best-in-class verification criteria in the labeling process.
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Auto Factory Workers Working on Automobile Assembly

Improving Standards With Global Automotive Social Compliance Factory Assessments

The automotive supply chain is becoming more complex. It is vital that you thoroughly address key social compliance factors.
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