
SGS Green Marks

Build trust in your product or brand and gain competitive advantage in complex global markets with independent certification or verification by SGS.

A wide variety of voluntary ecolabeling schemes have appeared in recent years to help businesses striving to meet consumer demand for more sustainable products and services. However, environmental claims will only help consumers if they are based on scientific evidence and can be trusted.

SGS Green Mark Certification

SGS Green Marks – environmental claim certification and verification

Our independent assessment scheme, based on recognized standards such as ISO 17065, ISO 17029, ISO 14065 and ISO 14021, ensures your product has passed all defined criteria allowing you to differentiate your product in fractured markets. All protocols include a clearly defined product scope and certification/verification criteria, leaving the consumer in no doubt as to the meaning of the environmental claim. Focusing on just one attribute per mark allows you to more clearly communicate your product’s positive environmental aspects to consumers

We cover a wide variety of environmental attributes:

Recycled Content

Recycled Content


State and country requirements for a minimum percentage recycled content in packaging and products are growing.

Retailers and brands are seeking to increase the recycled content of products to meet carbon neutral commitments.

Example products:

  • Plastic packaging
  • Fabrics

Recycled Content Requirements Summary - Download the PDF

PFAS Assessed 3



Highlights the better chemistry of a product or packaging.

Aligns with the trend of eliminating PFAS “forever chemicals” from both products and packaging across many industries.

Example products:

  • Non-stick cookware, water resistant clothing, food contact packaging 



Can support the move away from petroleum-based materials.

Some companies target the use of biobased materials.

Example product:

  • Bio-based plastic toys
SGS Haz Sub Assessed Green Mark

Hazardous Substances Assessed


Highlights the better chemistry of a product.

Aligns with the trend of eliminating problematic/toxic/bio-accumulative chemicals from products.

Example product:

  • Polyester/cotton shirt
SGS PVC free Green Mark



Companies have worked to phase out PVC in packaging, to avoid recycling stream contamination.

Environmental concerns over vinyl chloride which is used the make PVC.

Example product:

  • Data cables (jacketing material)
Industrial Compostable

Industrial Compostable


Companies have made commitments to make packaging recyclable, reusable or compostable by 2025.

Some US cities are expanding composting programs and infrastructure. Example product:

  • Compostable food service ware
SGs Biodegradability Green Mark



For specific applications and regions where biodegradability is harmonized with appropriate product use and disposal.

Example product:

  • Biodegradable flower transfer pot

What are the benefits of SGS Green Marks?

Products certified/verified under our program will gain global recognition via SGS Green Marks. These marks can be used on the product, packaging and in promotional materials and advertising to show end-users that the environmental claim is certified or verified by SGS.

All marks have a QR code that allows consumers to confirm that the mark and claim are authentic. Additionally, it will provide consumers with a link to a quick summary of the specifics of the certification.

Other specific benefits include:

  • Provides third party credibility to single-attribute environmental claims, facilitating trust and confidence
  • Reduces the risk of greenwashing
  • Differentiates your product from the competition
  • Visualizes corporate commitment to ESG and leadership in green product development
  • Facilitates access to new customers and markets
  • Enhances brand image
PPT Visual SGS Green Mark

The certification process

Sustainability is embedded in our culture and the way we do business. We believe we must use our scale and expertise to create a more responsible, balanced and sustainable future.

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