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Food Supply Chain Management

Digitize your entire food supply chain, from source to consumers, to deliver better products for a better world.

Our food supply chain management services allow you to digitize your entire food supply chain, so you can analyze and monitor your suppliers, materials and customers. This enables you to deliver safe and responsible food products, while connecting with modern shoppers to build consumer loyalty and trust.

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With our food supply chain management services, you can:

  • Digitize your supply chain from source to store, so you can collect supplier, facility, component, and country of origin data as well as accurate Bill of Materials/Bill of Substances information
  • Capture compliance and business specific information, such as tests and certifications, custom surveys and codes of conduct
  • Run comprehensive analytics to meet demands for regulatory and compliance reporting, supply chain scorecarding and geomapping

Your steps to food supply chain management:

  1. COLLECT product and supplier data from source to store
  2. VERIFY supplier and product information worldwide
  3. IMPROVE supply chain compliance, reduce risk and increase business
  4. COMMUNICATE key product and origin information via smartphone

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  • SGS Portugal - Sociedade Geral de Superintendência S.A.

Polo Tecnológico de Lisboa,

Rua Cesina Adães Bermudes 5, Lote 11, 1600-604,

