
What are you looking for?

Quality & Quantity Inspection

Avoid losses and ensure the preservation of cargoes.

Comprehensive solutions for verifying the quality and quantity of mineral and metal commodities during trading.

The ability to accurately determine the quality and quantity of a cargo is vital when trading metals and minerals. Over the years, several methodologies and techniques for loss control and preservation have been developed. These operate in combination with innovative procedures and local knowledge and, collectively, they help to build trust when trading commodities.

Our global network of qualified inspectors support your trading goals through supervision and by determining the quality and quantity of your shipments of minerals and metals. We use innovative, advanced techniques, alongside traditional methodologies, to accurately measure and validate your cargo. At the same time, we can ensure compliance with the regulations enforced in your target markets.

In a dynamic trading world, we help you to make each transaction a success. Our trade inspection services comply with international ISO/ASTM standards, as well as local country standards, practices and requirements. Our field staff are all trained to meet recognized industry standards and regulations as they are applied to measuring and sampling operations at the local level.

Our experts also help to develop, update and amend industry norms within industry trading bodies, including the TIC Metals and Minerals committee and the IFA Working Group on the Harmonization of Fertilizer Sampling and Methods of Analysis.

Wherever you operate in the world our experts will support your trading goals, bringing global expertise and enhancing trust in your cargo.

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  • SGS Portugal - Sociedade Geral de Superintendência S.A.

Polo Tecnológico de Lisboa,

Rua Cesina Adães Bermudes 5, Lote 11, 1600-604,

