
What are you looking for?

Social Responsibility Management Systems

NP 4469 Social Accountability Management Systems certification from SGS – demonstrate your organization’s commitment to social accountability.

Why choose NP 4469 Social Accountability Management Systems certification from SGS?

We can help you to gain your NP 4469 Social Accountability Management Systems certification, enabling you to:

  • Become more environmentally responsible, reducing the use and cost of natural resources
  • Improve your reputation and image
  • Meet your environmental and safety obligations
  • Attract and retain the most talented employees
  • Increase productivity and creativity, and reduce accidents, illness, stress and absenteeism by creating a better working environment
  • Strengthen relationships between customers and suppliers by strengthening your socially responsible actions
  • Avoid lawsuits and promote cooperation
  • Safeguard your entire value chain and increase consumer confidence
  • Eliminate bureaucracy and the need for audits, and integrate the Plan-Do-Check-Act  (PDCA) cycle into your existing management systems
  • Improve access to finance by meeting social and environmental investment criteria
  • Reach new markets by satisfying the increasing number of consumers concerned with purchasing socially and environmentally responsible products
  • Increase performance through improved training policies

Portugal’s leading provider of NP 4469 Social Accountability Management Systems certification

As the world’s leading supplier of inspection, verification, testing and certification, we offer you unrivaled experience in social accountability and NP 4469 requirements.

To find out more and demonstrate your organization’s commitment to social accountability, contact us today.

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  • SGS Portugal - Sociedade Geral de Superintendência S.A.

Polo Tecnológico de Lisboa,

Rua Cesina Adães Bermudes 5, Lote 11, 1600-604,

