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Non-Invasive Multiphase Metering

Join our webinar to learn about the various uses of non-invasive multiphase metering and its benefits.

As operators are faced with reduced oil and gas prices, the requirement to perform regulatory or routine production testing for reporting and reservoir management purposes still remains. Whereas portable test separator packages are deployed in many fields, the innovative application of existing alternate technologies for gathering production testing data can lead to cost savings, decreased operational equipment and personnel requirements, and a reduction in the environmental footprint. One of these non-invasive multiphase metering technology applications is multiphase trace-based production testing (multiphase tracer technique, or MPTT).

This technology is already used in the oilfield as a means of verifying and tuning fixed permanent multiphase flow meters and wet gas venturi systems. These meters, due to their size and footprint compared to fixed test separators, have become significantly more common in fixed installations. These systems rely on wellstream compositions within the flow computer to accurately measure the multiphase rates for well performance monitoring. The only method that exists to gather this data, once production has commenced, without the use of a test separator or bottom hole sampling, is the non-invasive multiphase tracer technique combined with specialized side stream multiphase PVT sampling.

This webinar will discuss the various applications and correct use of this technology in the oil field of today.


At the end of this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Understand the fundamental principles of tracer based flow rate measurements
  • Understand the application of MPTT as a production testing methodology
  • Understand the application of MPTT as a MPFM/WGM validation and tuning tool
  • Understand the application of multi-phase PVT sampling and the analysis requirements that most MPFM’s/WGM’s require for their flow computer input
  • Case examples of both applications with potentials for your own business


This webinar will cover:

  • Principles of tracer dilution measurements and multiphase sampling
  • Objectives and application of MPTT as a production testing alternative
  • Objectives and application of MPTT with PVT as a MPFM/WGM validation and tuning tool
  • Case studies


At SGS, we have over 25 years’ experience in multiphase flow measurement and verification techniques along with specialized sampling and PVT analysis experience and similar global experience in standard and advanced full-bore based production testing techniques. This ensures we have the necessary experience to work with our clients to provide optimal solutions that meet the required objectives without sacrificing data quality and remaining as sustainable as possible.

Target Audience

Reservoir and subsurface, production, metering, operations, process engineering disciplines, production technologists, production and asset managers.


SGS – Simon Chew, Wet Gas Metering Business Manager, Upstream Services

Simon has over 20 years’ experience in developing specialized fluid sampling, analysis, wet and dry innovative metering technology and metering related PVT study services along with isokinetic CGR measurement systems. He has experience in well testing applications, flow troubleshooting applications and meter verification solutions. He is currently based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and leads our innovative Multi Phase Tracer Services in South East Asia.

  • SGS Portugal - Sociedade Geral de Superintendência S.A.

Polo Tecnológico de Lisboa,

Rua Cesina Adães Bermudes 5, Lote 11, 1600-604,

