SG 017/25
New York State proposes chemical disclosure program for pet products that will eventually lead to a ban on toxic chemicals. The provisions in the act will take effect 120 days after becoming law.
On January 14, 2025, the US state of New York introduced A 1976 to regulate toxic chemicals in pet products.
This proposed law contains several important provisions. It:
- Defines ‘Pet product’ as a product primarily intended for, made for, or marketed for use by a pet, such as bedding, car seats, personal care products, toys as well as products designed or intended to be chewed, and pet apparel. It does not include food, beverages or an additive to these regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- Provides a list of 83 chemicals of high concern (CHC) and nine priority chemicals (PC)
- Authorizes the competent authority to post the lists of PC and CHC on its website within 180 days of the effective date of the act
- Directs the competent authority to periodically review and revise the PC and CHC lists
- Mandates the competent authority to identify a chemical as a CHC if such a chemical meets the criteria for specified toxicological properties
- Requires manufacturers (including importers and first domestic distributors) to undergo a chemical disclosure program for pet products (see Table 1 below)
- Requires manufacturers of pet products to notify retailers and sellers if such products contain a PC
- Directs the competent authority to adopt rules and regulations to implement the act.
Substance | Scope¹ | Requirement | Proposed effective date |
Priority chemicals (PC) | Pet products | Reporting with payable fee is required if intentionally added | Within 12 months of the chemical’s listing |
Prohibited if PC has been listed for at least one year | January 1, 2028 | ||
¹Applies to new pet products only |
Table 1
Pet owners prioritize safety and seek reliable products, making it essential to demonstrate quality and safety when marketing pet products. Our comprehensive pet product testing services cover all aspects – from durability and performance to regulatory compliance. With solutions that assure your customers of the safety and quality of your products, significantly boosting your brand’s reputation and market competitiveness. Contact us for more information, read our brochure or visit our website. In the end, it’s only trusted because it’s tested.
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