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PSA Certified Security Evaluation Services

Improve Internet of Things (IoT) security and build trust with evaluation services from a founding member of the PSA Certified program.

Any smart device connected to the internet is exposed and at risk. With connected devices estimated to reach 24 billion by 2030, independent security evaluation is crucial to implementing security in a trusted manner.

PSA Certified is the IoT security certification program building trust in products, minimizing risks and guaranteeing compliance to standards, supported by ARM and other key players in the IoT industry.

The industry-driven initiative advocates the use of independent third-party testing to build trust across the entire IoT ecosystem.

This multilevel IoT security certification scheme helps IP and software vendors and OEM manufacturers to understand and communicate the security functionality in their products. In parallel, PSA Certified demonstrates compliance with the PSA Root Of Trust (PSA RoT).

As a recognized laboratory and founding member of the PSA Certified program, we provide a range of PSA Certified evaluation services. With our extensive experience and knowledge of security evaluations, we are a reliable partner to improve the security of your product and get it PSA certified.

PSA Certified logo

Why choose PSA Certified evaluation services from SGS?

We hold the largest number of PSA Certified security evaluations.

PSA Certified enables you to:

  • Gain PSA certification, saving time and money
  • Improve the security of IoT devices through independent testing
  • Build trust in the security of IoT devices among developers and customers
  • Understand and communicate the security functionality of your products
  • Demonstrate compliance with the security functionality provided by PSA RoT

We provide IoT security services for:

  • PSA Certified Level 1: the security certification program for silicon (IC), Software (RTOS), and OEM (device) vendors
  • PSA Certified Level 2: certification of IC's security functionality from the PSA RoT, providing protection against logical attacks
  • PSA Level 2 Ready: certification of security functionality required by the PSA RoT, implementing Trusted Subsystem Services
  • PSA Certified Level 2 RoT Component: certification of security functionality required by the PSA RoT without Trusted Subsystem Services, oriented for individual elements of the PSA RoT
  • PSA Certified Level 3 RoT Component: certification of security functionality required by the PSA RoT without Trusted Subsystem Services, oriented for individual elements of the PSA RoT
  • PSA Certified Level 3: certification of IC's security functionality from the PSA RoT providing protection against logical and physical attacks
  • PSA Certified Level 4: enables the highest security assurance against more sophisticated attacks. This level also mandates higher strength cryptography and enables more transparency in the security of IoT products

Why SGS?

We are the world’s leading provider of testing, inspection and certification services to the cybersecurity industry, providing CC evaluations to NSCIB requirements. We are recognized as the global benchmark for quality and integrity. Accredited by Common Criteria (CC), EMVCo, SESIP, PSA Certified, MasterCard, PCI, Visa, American Express, and numerous national schemes, we boast the highest number of CC accreditations globally. As the largest security evaluation laboratory with more than 10 locations across the globe, we execute over 700 projects annually for hundreds of clients worldwide.

To discuss your PSA Certified security requirements, contact us today.

Security Consultant Touching Network of Lock Icons on Virtual Screen
  • Brightsight

+31 15 269 2500


Brassersplein 2,

2612 CT,

Delft, Netherlands