Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are strictly regulated in multiple international markets. The variation in regulatory provisions means it is vital to identify and accurately quantify the presence of GMO or risk the potential seizing and destruction of your agricultural commodity. It is therefore vital that you verify the non-GMO status of commodities at the earliest opportunity.
DNA-based quantitative GMO testing
We provide a comprehensive range of high-quality analytical solutions to assess whether GMO are present in agricultural commodities. Utilizing proven DNA-based quantitative GMO testing methodologies, our experts ensure products meet the appropriate regulations for target markets.
Standardized polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology provides rapid turnaround times for assessing the presence of GMO in samples. For larger consignments, in trucks, rail cars or barges, we offer the latest DNA screening techniques. The earlier samples are taken and tested the better, as processing makes detection more difficult.
Wherever you operate in the world, our independent analytical testing solutions will enable you to trade with confidence in markets that ban or restrict GMO.
Why choose SGS?
Accredited by the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) to evaluate GMO, we are recognized as the benchmark for quality and integrity. We operate a global network of experienced specialists and ISO/IEC 17025 accredited GMO testing laboratories.
SGS Building, Road 112 Cross 293,
Third Support Industries, Jubail Industrial Area
P.O. Box 725, 31951,
Jubail, Saudi Arabia