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BARS Audits

The Basic Aviation Risk Standard (BARS) program is a joint initiative between the Flight Safety Foundation and the resources and mining industry to standardize auditing practices among member organizations. Certification demonstrates your organization’s commitment to safety and adds value to the services you offer.

As an accredited BARS auditing company, we are well placed to service any of your organization’s BARS requirements. Our auditors will work with you from the beginning of the audit process to the closeout of findings, helping to ensure that the certification process goes smoothly.

We will:

  • Perform a gap analysis to confirm work already done toward compliance and identify further actions required for certification
  • Guide you through the BARS registration process
  • Coordinate second-party audits to be performed along with the BARS certification process, reducing operational downtime
  • Share travel costs with organizations that are required to do operational risk reviews of your company, making it easier to do business with you
  • Assist with International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations (IS-BAO) audits

Unrivaled Experience in Aviation Consulting Services

As a leading provider of aviation consulting services, we carry out more than 500 audits, reviews and inspections each year. With independent auditors and advisors located around the globe, we offer local expertise and reduced mobilization costs. We are committed to making the BARS audit process system work for you.

To learn more about our BARS audit services, or our other aviation safety services, contact SGS at +1.844.730.4175 or aviation.safety@sgs.com.

  • SGS Slovakia spol. s r.o.

Kysucká 14,

040 11,

